"Healty teeth and perfect smile with orthodontic treatments with no age limitation"

"All On 4 and Zygoma Implants can be applied in tooth deficiencies"

Dentram Dental Clinics
Dentral dental treatment clinic was established by Orthodontist Aylin Yalçın, PhD, and Prof. Serhat Yalçın, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, in Bağdat Avenue of Istanbul in 1994. Considering other dental clinics, Levent clinic was entered into service in 2012.
The inevitable priority of the clinic that has been carrying on business in the field of healthcare for more than twenty years is to make our patients receive healthcare services at highest standards. Based on this approach, we shifted to ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System and completed the certification process in 2014.

Our Clinics


Implant Treatment
Implant treatment offers remarkable cosmetic and functional advantages over other treatment modalities. For the implant therapy, the implant site is numbed by administering a local anesthetic agent.

Orthodontics Treatment
The purpose of orthodontic treatment is to prevent the occurrence of disorders in the tooth-jaw-face area, to stop the progression of the disorders, to treat them and to provide a good aesthetic.

Smile Design
A systematic approach is required to evaluate and solve aesthetic problems. Our goal is to bring together aesthetic elements to create a pleasant composition in a smile.